Black plate (11,1)Cadillac CTS/CTS-V Owner Manual (Include Mex) - 2012Infotainment System 7-11bar. The status bar shows theamount of content stored in thebuffer and the current pause point.To resume playback from thecurrent pause point, press r / jagain. The radio will no longer beplaying “live” radio. Instead, timeshifted content is being played fromthe buffer. When the radio is playingtime shifted content from the buffer,a buffer status bar shows below thestation number on the left side ofthe screen.Press and hold the s REV or\ FWD buttons to rewind or fastforward through the time shift buffer.Hold FWD until the end of thecurrently recorded buffer to resume“live” radio playback. With “live”radio playing, the radio display willno longer show the buffer bar belowthe station number.On FM or AM, press the s REV or\ FWD button multiple times torewind or fast forward. Each presswill rewind or fast forward30 seconds of content.When the radio station is changed,the buffer is cleared andautomatically restarted for thecurrent station. You cannot rewindto content from a previously tunedstation.Time shifting of FM or AM is notavailable while recording or whileother sources of playback areselected.Pausing FM or AM with theVehicle Turned OffIf FM or AM is paused before thevehicle is turned off, the radio willcontinue to buffer the current radiostation for up to one hour. If thevehicle is turned back on withinone hour, the radio will automaticallyresume playback from the pausepoint.Satellite RadioVehicles with an XM™ SatelliteRadio tuner and a valid XM SatelliteRadio subscription can receiveXM programming.XM Satellite Radio ServiceXM is a satellite radio service basedin the 48 contiguous United Statesand 10 Canadian provinces.XM Satellite Radio has a widevariety of programming andcommercial-free music, coast tocoast, and in digital-quality sound.A service fee is required to receivethe XM service. Renew on channelXM1.” For more information,contact XM at www.xmradio.comor 1-800-929-2100 in the U.S.,and or1-877-438-9677 in Canada.