Black plate (74,1)Cadillac CTS/CTS-V Owner Manual (Include Mex) - 201210-74 Vehicle CareTire PressureTires need the correct amount ofair pressure to operateeffectively.Notice: Neither tireunderinflation noroverinflation is good.Underinflated tires, or tiresthat do not have enough air,can result in:. Tire overloading andoverheating which couldlead to a blowout.. Premature orirregular wear.. Poor handling.. Reduced fuel economy.Overinflated tires, or tiresthat have too much air, canresult in:. Unusual wear.. Poor handling.. Rough ride.. Needless damage fromroad hazards.The Tire and LoadingInformation label on thevehicle indicates the originalequipment tires and the correctcold tire inflation pressures.The recommended pressure isthe minimum air pressureneeded to support the vehicle'smaximum load carrying capacity.For additional informationregarding how much weightthe vehicle can carry, and anexample of the Tire and LoadingInformation label, see VehicleLoad Limits on page 9‑12.How the vehicle is loadedaffects vehicle handling and ridecomfort. Never load the vehiclewith more weight than it wasdesigned to carry.When to CheckCheck the tires once a monthor more. Do not forget thecompact spare tire, if the vehiclehas one. The cold compactspare should be at 420 kPa(60 psi). See Compact SpareTire on page 10‑109.How to CheckUse a good quality pocket-typegauge to check tire pressure.Proper tire inflation cannot bedetermined by looking at the tire.Check the tire inflation pressurewhen the tires are cold, meaningthe vehicle has not been drivenfor at least three hours or nomore than 1.6 km (1 mi).