Black plate (7,1)Cadillac CTS/CTS-V Owner Manual (Include Mex) - 2012OnStar 14-7OnStar Personal IdentificationNumber (PIN)A PIN is needed to access some ofthe OnStar services, like RemoteDoor Unlock and Stolen VehicleAssistance. You will be promptedto change the PIN the first timewhen speaking with an Advisor.To change the OnStar PIN, callOnStar and provide the Advisorwith the current number.WarrantyOnStar equipment may bewarranted as part of the new-vehiclelimited warranty. The manufacturerof the vehicle furnishes detailedwarranty information.LanguagesThe vehicle can be programmedto respond in French or Spanish.Push Q and ask an Advisor.Advisors can speak French orSpanish.Potential IssuesSome OnStar services are disabledafter five days. OnStar cannotperform Remote Door Unlock orStolen Vehicle Assistance after thevehicle has been off continuouslyfor five days. After five days, OnStarcan contact Roadside Assistanceand a locksmith to help gain accessto the vehicle.Global PositioningSystem (GPS). Obstruction of the GPS canoccur in a large city with tallbuildings; in parking garages;around airports; in tunnels,underpasses, or parkinggarages; or in an area withvery dense trees. If GPS signalsare not available, the OnStarsystem should still operate tocall OnStar. However, OnStarcould have difficulty identifyingthe exact location.. In emergency situations, OnStarcan use the last stored GPSlocation to send to emergencyresponders.. A temporary loss of GPS cancause loss of the ability to senda Turn-by-Turn Navigation route.The Advisor may give a verbalroute or may ask for a call backafter the vehicle is driven into anopen area.Cellular and GPS AntennasAvoid placing items over or nearthe antenna to prevent blockingcellular and GPS signal reception.Cellular reception is required forOnStar to send remote signals tothe vehicle.