Black plate (56,1)Cadillac XTS Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada-7707485) -2015 - CRC - 10/31/149-56 Driving and Operatingof the vehicle. This is normal systemoperation; the vehicle does not needservice.SBZA may not always alert thedriver to vehicles in the side blindzone, especially in wet conditions.The system does not need to beserviced. The system may light updue to guardrails, signs, trees,shrubs, and other non-movingobjects. This is normal systemoperation; the vehicle does not needservice.SBZA may not operate when theSBZA sensors in the left or rightcorners of the rear bumper arecovered with mud, dirt, snow, ice,or slush, or in heavy rainstorms. Forcleaning instructions, see "Washingthe Vehicle" under Exterior Care onpage 10-81. If the DIC still displaysthe system unavailable messageafter cleaning both sides of thevehicle toward the rear corners ofthe vehicle, see your dealer.If the SBZA displays do not light upwhen vehicles are in the blind zoneand the system is clean, the systemmay need service. Take the vehicleto your dealer.When SBZA is disabled for anyreason other than the driver turningit off, the Side Blind Zone Alert Onoption will not be available on thepersonalization menu.Radio Frequency InformationSee Radio Frequency Statement onpage 13-12.Lane DepartureWarning (LDW)If equipped, LDW may help avoidcrashes due to unintentional lanedepartures. It may provide an alert ifthe vehicle is crossing a lanewithout using a turn signal in thatdirection. LDW uses a camerasensor to detect the lane markingsat speeds of 56 km/h (35 mph) orgreater.{ WarningThe LDW system does not steerthe vehicle. The LDW systemmay not:. Provide enough time to avoida crash.. Detect lane markings underpoor weather or visibilityconditions. This can occur ifthe windshield or headlampsare blocked by dirt, snow,or ice; if they are not inproper condition; or if the sunshines directly into thecamera.. Detect road edges.. Detect lanes on winding orhilly roads.If LDW only detects lanemarkings on one side of the road,it will only warn you whendeparting the lane on the sidewhere it has detected a lane(Continued)