Empty Directory or FolderIf a root directory or a folder existssomewhere in the file structure thatcontains only folders/subfolders andno compressed files directly beneaththem, the player advances to thenext folder in the file structure thatcontains compressed audio files andthe empty folder will not be displayedor numbered.No FolderWhen the CD contains onlycompressed files, the files arelocated under the root folder. Thenext and previous folder functionshave no function on a CD that wasrecorded without folders or playlists.When displaying the name of thefolder the radio displays DISC.When the CD contains only playlistsand compressed audio files, but nofolders, all files are located under theroot folder. The left and right arrowbuttons search playlists (Px) first andthen goes to the root folder. Whenthe radio displays the name of thefolder the radio displays DISC.Order of PlayTracks are played in the followingorder:• Play begins from the first track inthe first playlist and continuessequentially through all tracks ineach playlist. When the lasttrack of the last playlist has beenplayed, play continues fromthe first track of the first playlist.• If the CD does not containany playlists, then play beginsfrom the first track under the rootdirectory. When all tracks fromthe root directory have beenplayed, play continues from filesaccording to their numericallisting. After playing the last trackfrom the last folder, play beginsagain at the first track of thefirst folder or root directory.When play enters a new folder, thedisplay automatically shows the newfolder name. The new track namedisplays.File System and NamingThe song name that displays is thesong name contained in the file.If the song name is not present inthe file, then the radio displays thefile name with the extension(such as .mp3) as the track name.Preprogrammed PlaylistsPreprogrammed playlists whichwere created by WinAmp™,MusicMatch™, or Real Jukebox™software can be accessed, however,there is not editing capability. Theseplaylists are treated as specialfolders containing compressedaudio song files.Playing an MP3With the ignition on, insert a MP3CD partway into the slot, label sideup. The player pulls it in and the MP3should begin playing. While playinga MP3, the navigation system isavailable. If a MP3 is inserted withthe system off and the ignition on,it starts to play.Infotainment System 27