Nav (Navigation)Press the CONFIG key to enterthe Menu options, then press theCONFIG key repeatedly until Nav isselected or touch the Nav screenbutton.Voice VolumeTouch the Voice Volume screenbutton to change the volume of thevoice prompts or to turn the voiceprompts on and off.Master Volume Level: Touchthe + (plus) or − (minus) screenbuttons to increase or to decreasethe volume of all voice categories.Voice Guidance: Touch to turnvoice instructions on and off whiletraveling on a planned route. Voiceguidance is on when the button ishighlighted.Traffic Event Voice Prompt: Touchto turn traffic voice instructions onand off. Traffic voice is on when thebutton is highlighted.Speech Recognition Prompt:Touch to turn speech recognitionprompts on and off. Speechprompts are on when the buttonis highlighted.Speech Confirmation Feedback:Touch to turn speech confirmationfeedback on and off. Speechfeedback is on when the buttonis highlighted.Route PreferenceTouch the Route Preference screenbutton to change route optionswhen the system calculates a route.Avoid Freeway: The systemavoids major roads when calculatinga planned route.Avoid Toll Road: The systemavoids toll roads when calculating aplanned route.Avoid Ferry: The system avoidsferries when calculating a plannedroute.Avoid time and seasonalrestricted road: The system avoidstime restricted and seasonal roadswhen calculating a planned route.Back TrackTouch the Back Track screen buttonto turn recording and displaying onand off or to delete the path beingtraveled when not on a marked road.Infotainment System 63