3. Select the Go screen button nextto the destination. The systemcalculates the route.4. Select the route preference(Fastest, Shortest, or Easy).The system highlights the route.5. Select the Start Guidance screenbutton. The route is now readyto be started.See “Getting Started on YourRoute” later in this section formore information.See “Adding Destinations to theAddress Book” later in thissection.OnStar® Destination DownloadOnStar® Destination Download(if equipped) is a service available forOnStar* subscribers that makesoperating your navigation systemmuch simpler. It allows subscribersto request and receive navigationassistance on-the-go.Using OnStar® DestinationDownloadPress the blue OnStar button and anAdvisor can locate a point-of-interestor an address and download thenecessary information orcoordinates to your navigationsystem. Once the destination isdownloaded, the navigation systemwill search for the address inthe mapping disc’s database.When the address is found, it will beshown on your navigation system’sscreen along with the buttonsdescribed below.• Select Go, the navigation systemcalculates route(s). Select a route(i.e. Shortest Route), and StartGuidance.• Select Map, the navigationsystem displays the DestinationMap Screen.OnStar Download ScreenInfotainment System 55