When a MP3 CD is inserted, theMP3 tab activates.If the ignition or radio is turned offwith a MP3 CD in the player, it staysin the player. When the ignition orradio is turned on, the MP3 CDstarts playing where it stopped,if it was the last selected audiosource.As each new track starts to play,the track number displays.If an error displays, see “CDMessages” later in this section.If viewing a map screen, touch theMP3 screen button. The displaysplits between the audio screen andthe map screen. If no split screen iswanted or if not on a map screen,press the AUDIO key, then press theAUDIO key until MP3 is selected ortouch the MP3 screen button.j / r (Pause/Play): Touch topause the CD, the pause symboldisplays. This button then changesto the play button. Touch the playbutton to play the CD.Random: Touch to hear the discplayed in random (tracks and folders)order. Touch the Random screenbutton to turn off random play.r (Rewind): Touch and holdto rewind quickly through a trackselection. A sound is heard at areduced volume. Release this buttonto stop rewinding. The display showsthe elapsed time of the track.[ (Forward): Touch and hold tofast forward quickly through a trackselection. A sound is heard at areduced volume. Release this buttonto stop fast forwarding. The displayshows the elapsed time of the track.TUNE/TONE Knob: Turn to go tothe next or previous track.q r (Category): Select the left orright arrow to go to the previous ornext folder/Artist/Album/Genre onthe disc.u SEEK / t SEEK: Press theright arrow to go to the next track.Press the left arrow to go to thestart of the current track, if more thanfive seconds have played or to theprevious track, if five seconds or less28 Infotainment System