12 — Machinist calc™ Prod Diameter — Enters a Diameter. Unitless entriesassumed Inches in U.S. mode; millimetersin Metric mode. Calculates circle Area andCircumference given entered Diameter. CalculatesDiameter given entered Radius.gd radius — Enters or calculates a Radius. Unitlessentries assumed Inches in U.S. mode; millimetersin Metric mode. Calculates Radius given enteredDiameter.g8 Alpha — Enters alphabet character selectionmode. While in this mode, a letter can be selectedand used with D to enter a letter Drill Size.Entering this mode with a unitless entry between 1and 26 will display the corresponding letter of thealphabet (i.e. 5g8 displays the letter e). Whilein Alpha mode, presses of 8 or + toggle forwardthrough the alphabet, while presses of - togglebackward.a Adjacent (x) — Enters or calculates the Adjacent(horizontal) leg of a right triangle. CalculatesAdjacent value given two other right-trianglevalues. Also enters the Center x-coordinate of aBolt Pattern.p Opposite (y) — Enters or calculates the Opposite(vertical) leg or height of a right triangle. CalculatesOpposite value given two other right-triangle values.Also enters the Center y-coordinate of a Bolt Pattern.h hypotenuse (r) — Enters or calculates theHypotenuse (diagonal) of a right triangle.Calculates Hypotenuse value given two other right-triangle values.(cont’d)