Form feedA printer function that automatically ejects the current page and advances the printer tothe top of the next page.GrayscaleRepresenting color in black and white as a result of different intensities of color. Differentcolors and intensities of colors appear as different shades of gray.HalftoneUsing this method, the printer produces shades of gray or of colors by mapping dots to beprinted. For color printing, different colored dots of ink are placed closely together tocreate illusions of other colors.HueA color in the color spectrum. Examples are red, green, and violet.Ink Cartridge Storage BoxA box for storing a BJ cartridge. A BJ cartridge removed from the printer must be storedinside this container to prevent the print head of the cartridge from drying and clogging.IntensityThe amount of color. More intense or more saturated colors are more pure. Less intenseor less saturated colors are less vivid.InterfaceThe connection between two devices that makes it possible for them to communicate witheach other. This printer features a parallel interface, which makes it compatible with IBMand similar personal computers.Landscape orientationRefers to printing across the length of the page (as opposed to portrait orientationprinting across the width of the page). The term landscape is derived from pictures of thelandscape, which are usually horizontal in format.Manual feedA method of feeding paper to the printer one sheet at a time.Noise levelSee dB(A).Page orientationRefers to the direction of print on the page. Printing across the width of a page is calledportrait orientation. Printing across the length of a page is called landscape orientation.G-2 Glossary