Printing Speed Versus ColorThe BJC-6000 Series Printer Driver for Windows can interpret and translate the fullspectrum of colors, up to 16.7 million colors. When printing in color, there is asignificant increase in the amount of information that the driver has to interpret andtranslate. When printing black ink only, the driver has only one color to interpret.By decreasing the amount of colors that the printer driver has to interpret, you cansignificantly decrease the time needed to translate the information. This will speedup the overall printing process.Ways to Improve Print Speed in WindowsTo improve printing speed, you can try the following:n Turn off the Print Manager in the Windows Control Panel(Windows 3.1 only)This avoids the extra step of sending the print file to the Print Manager andmay increase your printing speed by as much as 25%, depending on thecomputer you are using.n Add a permanent swap file in Windows 3.1Under the 386 Enhanced icon in the Windows Control Panel, add or create apermanent swap file that is from 4 MB to 9 MB. The computer will be able toprepare the print file faster. See your Windows documentation forinstructions.n Avoid diffusion halftonesChoose Diffusion for Halftoning only when printing final output orphotographic images. To specify Halftoning, click the Advanced button onthe Main tab in the printer driver and then click the Quality tab. Choosing aHalftoning setting of Fine/Fast allows documents to print as much as 20%faster because the computer does not need to compute to “best possibleposition” for each dot.n Avoid color adjustmentIn the Color tab, disable the Color Adjustment option. This feature takeslonger to process in the computer because it requires special information.(To disable Color Adjustment, click the Advanced button on the Main tabin the printer driver and then click the Color tab.)Using the PrinterWith WindowsChapter 2 Using the Printer With Windows 2-17