Start printing.Click OK or Print to start theprint job.Clear enough space in front ofthe printer for at least onesheet of paper to rest afterprinting.As the sheets print, allow theprinted sheets to hang over the edge of the desk or work table.Loading Glossy Photo PaperWhen you load Glossy Photo Paper in the printer, always use the LoadingSupport Sheet A provided with the package.Prepare the sheets.Hold the sheets of GlossyPhoto Paper with the whitersides (print sides) up and placethem on top of the LoadingSupport Sheet.You can load up to 10 sheets ofGlossy Photo Paper in the sheetfeeder.Stack the sheets.Tap the stack against a flatsurface to align the edges of theGlossy Photo Paper and theLoading Support Sheet A.Paper HandlingChapter 3 Paper Handling 3-23WHITER GLOSSY SIDE UP