4. PRINTER ELECTRICAL SYSTEM4.1 OverviewThe electrical system functions are handled by the logic section (logic board, carriageboard, carriage driver board, etc.) and the power supply section (power supply unit).The logic section converts the data from the interface into print signals and printeroperation signals, and drives the BJ cartridges and all the motors while monitoring thestatus of the sensors.The power supply section converts the DC input power from the power supply unit intodrive power for the logic board, motors, BJ cartridges, etc.When DC power is input from the power supply unit, all of the hardware componentsare active except for the following which are inactive:• all buttons except thePOWER button• photo-interrupter's sensor• interface input signals.Part 4: Technical Reference BJC-85004-36Figure 4-36 Printer Electrical SectionCarriage MotorCarriage BoardCarriage Driver BoardLogic BoardSerial InterfaceParallel InterfacePaper Feed MotorPower Supply UnitPurge SensorPhoto-interrupterPurge Motor