25. Detection functionsPaper-out/Paper jam AvailableBJ cartridge presence AvailableWaste ink amount AvailablePaper size (cassette) AvailableBJ cartridge identification AvailableInk tank presence AvailableCover open AvailableHome position Available*Ink out Available* Though the printer does not have home position sensor, the home position isdetected by the encoder when carriage contacts the right end of the chassis.2.2 Paper Specifications2.2.1 Paper typesll: Usable 5: Not usable* 1: A5 (vertical): sheet feeder/manual feedA5 (horizontal): sheet feeder only*2: A3+ size is a Canon original size slightly larger (329 × 483 mm) than regular A3 sizeUsing A3+ size allows you to print out an A3-size page with register marks.The same applies to LTR+ (228.6 × 337.8 mm) and A4+ size (223.5 × 355.6 mm).*3: When HG-201 is fed from the sheet feeder, make sure that the cut corner of the HG-201is at the top right during vertical feed and at the top left during horizontal feed.2-11BJC-8500Part 2: Product SpecificationsTABLE 2-2 PAPER SPECIFICATIONSPlain PaperTypeClass 1Class 2PaperCanon PB (NSK)Canon PB (NDK)Canon NP (Kangas)Canon NP (Neusiedler)Canon NP (BoiseCascade)Canon BJ paper LC-301Xerox 4024 (75g/m 2 )Xerox 4024 (95g/m 2 )Plover BondSizeA3, A4, * 1A5A3, A4, * 1A5A3, A4A3, A4LTR, LGLA3, LDR, A4, LTRLDR, LGL, LTRLDR, LGL, LTRLTRCassettellllllllllllllllllManual FeedllllllllllllllllllSheet FeederllllllllllllllllllSpecial PaperPaperHR-101CF-102GP-301HG-201COM#10 No. 582DL, PLUSFS-101Size*2A3+, A3, LDR, A4, LTRA4, LTR*2A3+, A3, LDR, *2 A4+,A4, *2LTR+, LTRA3, LDR, A4, LTR241 × 105mm220 ×110mm241 × 356mm210 × 297mm, 216 × 279mmCassettell55555555Manual Feedllllllll55ll5llSheet Feederllllll*3llllll5ll5TypeHigh-resolutionpaperOHP filmGlossy photopaperHigh-glossphoto filmEnvelopesBJ clothBanner paperThick paper