The sum of waste ink level in the ink absorber and thewaste ink optimizer level in the ink optimizer absorberhas reached 95% (waste ink warning) or 100% (wasteink full error)*1 . Waste ink absorber,Waste ink optimizer absorber,EEPROM (socket type), logic board5-21BJC-8500Part 5: Maintenance5. Waste InkWarning/WasteInk Full ErrorBuzzer: 5 timesERROR indicator: Lights. (waste Ink warning)Buzzer: 6 timesERROR indicator: Repeatedly blinks 7 times.(waste ink full error)Visually check wasteink absorber.Full?Replace waste ink absorber,+*2 clear waste ink level.Replace EEPROM orlogic board.+*2 Initialize EEPROM+Replace waste ink absorber.NoYes*1 Perform the EEPROM list print in the service mode (For details,see"Part 3: 3.4.2 Service mode" (page 3-24).Check if the sum of EEPROM Data's (7) and (8) (See"Part 3: 3.6.3EEPROM list print" (page 3-28))is 1,705,250 (Waste Ink Warning)1,795,000 (Waste Ink Full Error)* 2 For details on how to clear waste ink level and initialize EEPROM,see"Part 3: 3.4.2 Service mode" (page 3-24).{