The sheet feeder cannot be initialized. Sheet feeder unit, pick-up roller,sheet feeder drive gear, purge motor,purge motor drive gear,pick-up roller sensor, logic board,encoder head (carriage board),encoder filmPart 5: Maintenance BJC-85005-204. Sheet FeederErrorBuzzer: 6 timesERROR indicator: Repeatedlyblinks 5 times.Power ONCheck operation ofsheet feeder unit.OK?OK?Replace sheet feederdrive unit.YesNoYesNo• Remove the sheet feeder unit, manually rotate the drive gearsufficiently, and check that the pick-up roller moves smoothly.• Remove the sheet feeder drive unit, and manally rotate the drivegear sufficiently, and check that the gear moves smoothly.Visually check rotationof the sheet feederpick-up roller.OK?NoYesReplace sheet feeder unit.Purge UnitENDSheet FeederUnitDrive GearCheck operation ofsheet feeder drive unit.Sheet FeederDrive Unit.Drive GearOK?Replace purge unit.YesNoCheck operation ofpurge motor drive gear.Drive GearOK?NoYesReplace logic board.ENDReplace encoder filmand encoder head(carriage board).