Coded speed dialingr Coded speed dialing to send a documentFollowthis procedureto use Codedspeeddialingwhen you wantto senda document"The numberregisteredunderthe Codedspeeddialingkey must beset for the documenttransmissionmode.( + 89)1 Feedthe documentintothe automaticdocumentfeeder.(.43)2 Press ,ToDE -Dl-A-LI then use the numerickeysto enterthe doubledigitcode.. As lhe numberis being dialed the numberand name arealternatelydisplayed at 2 second intervals.. lf a name was not registered, only the number is displayed.t 0 7C A N O N I N C .4 1 5 7 9 5 1 1 1 1. Whenthe call is connected.transmrsslonof the documentbegins.T R A N S M I T T I N G. Whenthe document beginstransmitting,the otherpany'sname and page number,then the facsimilenumber,arealternatelydisplayed at 2 second intervals.C A N O N I N C . P O 14 L 6 7 9 5 1 1 1 1. Whenfransmlssionendsafterthe lastpage, the fax beepsan ending tone for about 1 second and the fax returns tostandby.r Printinga lisl of numbersregisteredfor Codedspeed dialingTo print a list of numbersand namesregisteredforCodeddialing,followthe procedureon page 88.Numbersand namesfor Codeddialingand One-touchdialingare printedtogetherin the samelist.95