Sending a documentECM sendingIn this sectionwe will showyou how to sendadocument.Yourfax usesa fullyautomaticECM (errorcorrectionmode) featurethat reducessystemand line errorswhilesending.In orderto takeadvantageof ECM,youare not requiredto do anything,but the otherfax mustalso havethe ECMfeature.Whenthe otherfax has the ECMfeature,your faxautomaticallyswitchesto ECM.Whenyou are sendinga documentby ECM,the displayshows:E C M T Xlf the otherfax does not haveECM,you can stillsendafax to it with any of the operationsdescribedin thismanual.Evenif you senda documentwith ECM,lineerrorsoccasionallyoccuras a resultof a bad connection.lfyou wantto turn the ECMfeatureoff,see page 141.Theseimportanttasksare describedbelow:. Dialingand sendingmanually. Redialingwhenthe otherpartydoes not answer. ClearingdocumentjamsFeedthedocumentintotheautomaticdocumentfeeder.(i43). The fax can send a document while printing a documentthat has been received in memory. This is calledsemidual access.. lf you are sendinga long document,you can insertadocumentof up to 5 pages in the automaticdocumentfeeder.DOCUMENT READYPressffiappropriatesettingfor theto makethedocument.(.42)44