Receiving documents2Receivingwhen you're in the officelf you haveonly one linecomingintoyour office,followthis procedureto usethe unit as both a fax andtelephone.c Youcannotreceivedocumentswhenyouarecopyingadocumentor printinga faxreport.r Receiving phone calls and documentsautomatically (FAX/TELauto switch over)Checkto be surethatthe auro lampis on. lfn o t , p r e s s m u n t i l t h eAUTOlamp iSOn.. Whenyour faxreceivesa call, it checks the transmissionfor a special signalcalled a calling tone (CNG)sentfromthe other party'sfax. This signal identifies the call as afacsimil e transmisslon.lf yourfaxdetectsthisCNGsignal,it willautomaticallystartto receivethe documentfromthecallingfax..lf your fax does not detect this signal,the fax will ring andalert you to pick up the handset.-or-lf the telephonerings, pick up the handset"TAIKlf someoneis callingyou, you may talk.-or-Afteryou pick up the handsetand say"Hello",if no one answers,this meanssomeoneis tryingtc sendyou a documenttransmissionwithoutthe CNG signal.lf this isthe case,go to the nextsteP.. fhe CNG signal that triggers automatic receiving on yourfax is always sent if the other party uses One-touch orCoded speed dialing. The CNGslgna/ is generated by themaiorityof facsimilemachinesin use. However,if theother party picks up the handset and dials your faxmanuallyto sendyou a document,the CNGsignal is notgenerated. Somefacsimilemachinescannotsend theCNGsignal.56