Setting the printer data12Settingslowerspeedfor printinggraphicsFollowthis procedureto switchfrom bi-directionaltounidirectionalprinting.Enterthe printersettingmode.(.127)Pressthesearchkeys(. ') to displayBIDIRECTIONPRT.B I D T R E C T I O N P R T3 Pressis-T t.H T E S SI S T O P IswitchoFFtoO F F4 Pressoneof thesearchkeys(< >) untilthesettingyouwantis displayed.ONSetsthe printerfor bi-directionalprinting. In otherwords,the printheadprintsin bothdirectionsas itmovesto the righland leftacrossthe paper. Thissettingprintsand copiesdocumentsmuchfaster.OFFSetsthe printerlor unidirectionalprinting. The printheadprintsonly in one directionwhen it movesacrossthe page from rightto left,and does not print as itmovesbackto the right. Thissettingis much slower.However,unidirectionalprintingimprovesthe printqualityof documentsthat containgraphics,especiallyverticallines.H T E S SI S E T I ,DATA ENTRY OKL I G H T , / S T D P R Tand turnreturntothe necrsrRATroNstandby.128