G/ossaryFINE/HALFTONElamps Increasesthe clarityof documentsyou send. Lampsshowwhichsettingis on. Whenboth lampsareoff,you are in thestandardsetting.G3 unit (1980) A categoryof digilalfacsimileequipmentcapableof sendinga letter-size(or A4) documentin 1 minuteor less. G3 usesdigitalhandshakingwhichallowsthe two faxesto determinethe type of machine,maximumresolution, speedoftransmission,and so on. G3 fax equipmentcancommunicateat 2400, 4800,7200,and 9600 bps. Yourfacsimileis a G3 categoryfacsimile,FINE/HALFTONE For settingthe reproductionqualityof documentsforsendingor copying, Pressthis keyto use one of its threesettings.. FINE/HALFTONElampsoff. Useforstandardtextwithnophotographsor graphics,. FINElampon, Usewithtextior thebestpossiblereproductionquality.. HALFTONElampon. Usewithtextthatalsocontainsphotographs,graphics,artwork.handset The telephonehandsetprovidedwiththe fax.hook The hook buttonon the handsetor extensionphone. Whenthe hook buttonis released,you can heara dialtone.Inkfootprint The inkfootprintappearsat the lowerleftcornerof thereceiveddocument,manualreception Use manualreceptionwhenyourfax is beingusedas atelephone.Afterthe phoneringsand you pick up thereceiver,if you heara slow beepthis meanssomeoneissendingyou a fax. Press[START/COPYJWhenthe AUTOand ANS HOOKUP lampsareoff,the fax is set lo receivem a n u a l l y .manualredialing Whenyou use regulardialing,you can rediala numbermanuallysimplyby pressing[REDIAL]on the controlpanel.The lastnumbercalledis the numberredialed.memorybroadcast Allowsyou to sendone scanneddocumentto up to 38locationsby usingone{ouchdialing,codedspeeddialing,a n d r e g u l a rd i a l i n g .( + 4 8 )memorylamp Lightswhen a documenthas beenrecordedin memory. lfthe fax printerrunsout of paperor ink,the documentisautomaticallystoredin the memory.noise A generalterm appliedto a numberof problemsthatadverselyatfectthe operationof telephonelinesused formodemand fax communication.Numerickeys The numerickeysarethe roundkeyson the controlpanelwith a numberon them. Pressto performregulardialing.The numerickeysare also usedto enternumbersand letterswhen registeringnumbersand names.1 5 5