CHAPTER 2 BASIC OPERATION2-14 COPYRIGHT © 1998 CANON INC. CANON DADF-A1 REV.0 DEC. 1998 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)The copier identifies the size of an originalin terms of a default size based on the results ofvertical and horizontal lengths communicatedby the machine.Table 2-202 shows the default sizes thatare identified:d. A Model, A/B Modelf. Inch Model and Inch/AB ModelDefaultB5RA5A4RFOOLSCAPB5B4COMPUTERpaperA4A3Vertical length257mm148.5mm330mm330mm182mm364mm381mm210mm420mmOriginal width177~187mm205~215mm252~262mm274~284mm292~302mmFor vertical direction, a deviation of ±10mm is ignored; for horizontal direction, adeviation of ±5 mm is ignored; outside theranges, the original will be identified as beingof a non-default size.Table 2-202e. Inch ModelIn vertical direction, a deviation of ±10 mmis ignored; in horizontal direction, a deviationof ±5 mm is ignored; outside the ranges, theoriginal will be identified as being of a non-default size.Table 2-203For original length, a deviation of ±10 mmis ignored; for original width, a deviation of ±5mm is ignored; outside the ranges, the originalwill be identified as being of a non-default size.Table 2-204Originalwidth211~221mm274~284mDefaultSTMTLTRRFOOLSCAPLGLLTRCOMPUTERpaper297mm×432mm(11"×17")Originallength140mm279mm330mm356mm216mm381mm432mmOriginalwidth177~187mm205~213mm214~221mm252~262mm274~284mmDefaultB5RA5A4RSTMTLTRRFOOLSCAPLGLB5B4LTRCOMPUTERpaper279mm×432mm(11"×17")A4A3Originallength257mm148mm297mm140mm279mm330mm356mm182mm364mm216mm381mm432mm210mm420mm