CHAPTER 2 BASIC OPERATION2-32 COPYRIGHT © 1998 CANON INC. CANON DADF-A1 REV.0 DEC. 1998 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)4. Top Pick-UpIn top pick-up mode, the originals arepicked up starting with the top sheet, notrequiring reordering of the originals unlikebottom pick-up mode.1) Picking Up the 1st SideThe 1st original is picked up and stoppedon the copyboard glass. For details of pick-up operation, see D-4 “Top Pick-UP” onp. 2-22.Figure 2-2452nd original1st original2) Positioning the 1st Side Original/Feedingthe 2nd Side OriginalThe 1st original is moved back to adjust thesheet-to-sheet distance. Further, twooriginals are moved simultaneously andstopped at specific positions.Figure 2-246Figure 2-2473) Feeding the 1st Side and 2nd SideOriginals SimultaneouslyThe clutch (CL) is turned on to eliminatethe difference in speed between thedelivery/reversing roller an the feedingbelt, and two originals are fedsimultaneously.