TEMPERATURETOO HIGH The camcorder has exceeded its operational temperature, Turn off theCANNOT PLAYBACK camcorder and let it cool down before resuming use.CANNOT DIVIDETHE SCENE You may not be able to divide very short scenes.Scenes cannot be divided when the disc already contains B99 scenes.You may not be able to further divide scenes shorter th an 5 seconds that werecreated by dividing a previous scene.The dual-layered disc you inserted cannot be used with this camcorder. 7PLEASE USE ONLYTHERECOMMENDED DISCSDISC IS FINALIZED CANNOTRECORDUNFINALIZETHE DISCDISC IS PROTECTEDCANNOT READ THE DISCCHECKTHE DISC• ACCESS ERROR• DISCACCESS FAILURECHECKTHE DISCDISC COVERIS OPENDISC MUST BE FINALIZEDTOPLAY BACKIN COMPATIBLEPLAYERSNO DISCLOADINGTHE DISCAVOIDMOVING THE CAMCORDERUNABLE TO RECOVERDATAYou cannot record additional scenes on a finalized DVD-R/DVD-R DL disc,You cannot record additional scenes or unfinalize a DVD-RW disc (HD quality,or SB quality (VIDEO mode)) that was finalized using another digital device.Youcannot record additional scenes on a finalized DVD-RW disc (HD quality, orSB quality (VIDEOmode)). Unfinalize the disc first.The disc is protected. Replace the disc or remove the disc protection.Disc could not be read. Try cleaning it or replace the disc.This message can also appear if condensation has formed. Wait until thecamcorder dries completely before resuming use.This message can also appear if the camcorder has exceeded its operationaltemperature. Turn off the camcorder and let it cool down before resuming use.The disc may not be loaded correctly. Try removing the disc and reinserting it.There was an error when reading the disc or attempting to write onto it. Trycleaning the disc or replace it.This message can also appear if condensation has formed. Wait until thecamcorder dries completely before resuming use.The disc may not be loaded correctly. Try removing the disc and reinserting it.Close the disc cover.Be sure to finalize the disc and check the compatibility of the device beforeplaying back the disc on external DVD devices.No disc is loaded. Insert a disc.This message can also appear if condensation has formed. Wait until thecamcorder dries completely before resuming use.The disc is being read. Wait before you start recording.Try not to move the camcorder while the image is being recorded.Could not recover a corrupted file.This message can also appear if condensation has formed. If you suspectcondensation isthe reason, do not initialize the disc and wait until thecamcorder dries completely before resuming use.6611111432111114326832114114107