¸ i{{!,Softensthe detailsin theskintoneareafor amorecomplimentaryappearance.Toobtainthebest effect,usethis settingwhenrecordingapersoninclose-up.Notethat areassimilartotheskin colormay lackin detail.Allowsyouto adjustthe brightness,contrast,sharpnessandcolordepthof the image.[COL.DEPTH]: (-) Shallowercolors(+) Richercolortonality[BRIGHTN.]: (-) Darkerpicture(+) Brighterpicture[CONTRAST]: (-) Flatterpicture,(+) Moredefinedlight andshade[SHARPNESS]: (-) Vagueroutlines(+) SharperoutlinesFUNC. _UNC ÷f_'_÷( 271 @ °_> Icon of the currently selectedFU[FU._. Image Effect[_ _1 Desired option* I* When you select [4_c CUSTOM], do notpress _ and continue instead with thefollowing procedure.To SETTHECUSTOMIMAGEEFFECT1 Press (Q) and select (j,Y) thecustom setting options.2 Adjust (4_) each setting asdesired and then press (_'_).3 Press _ to save the settingand close the menu.DigitalEffects_ POINTSTO CHECKMode switch: P:[8@ BLK&WHT],[[_ SEPIA] only.Options * Default valueSelect this setting when you do not intend touse the digital effects.Selectoneof thefadersto beginor enda scenewith a fadefrom or to a blackscreen.RecordsimagesinblackandwhiteRecordsimagesinsepiatonesfor an "old"look.Selectthis effectto add "flavor" to yourrecordings._'_ NOTES• When you apply a fader, not only thepicture but also the sound will fade in orout. When you apply an effect, thesound will be recorded normally.• The camcorder retains the last settingused even if you turn off the digital63