Vd÷o[ Drive mode I (L_ 79) Lstill image size/quality ] (fL_ 73)Mode switch: P[E3 SINGLE], [_ CONT.SHOOT.],[ _ HISPEED CONT.SHOOT.],[_ AEB][ Recordingmode IDisc quality: HD[_ HIGH QUALITY 12 Mbps],[_ HIGH QUALITY 9 Mbps],[Q STANDARD PLAY 7 Mbps],[[_ LONG PLAY 5 Mbps]Disc quality: SD (VIDEO or VR mode)[_ HIGH QUALITY],[[_ STANDARD PLAY],[ [] LONG PLAY]Size:[LW 1920xl 080], [L 2048x1536],[M 1440xl OSO],[S 640x480]Quality:[_ SUPER FINE], [,41FINE],[.d NORMAL]LADDTOPLAYLIST ] (_ 65)Disc type:Disc quality: HD or SD (VR mode only)[ALL SCENES], [ONE SCENE],[CANCEL]Add scenes to the playlist. This optionis available only from the original indexscreen.Still image simultaneous (L'_ 82) LMOVErecordingSizeWhen recording scenes with a 16:9aspect ratio (HD quality, or SD qualitywith [WlDESCREEN] set to [[;f_ ON]):[_l STILL I.REC OFF],[LW 1920xl 080], [SW 848x480]When recording scenes with a 4:3aspect ratio (SD quality with[WlDESCREEN] set to [_ OFF]):[_ STILL I.REC OFF],[M 1440xl OSO],[S 640x480]Quality[_ SUPER FINE], [J FINE],[.a NORMAL]J (£3 65)Disc type: _3Disc quality: HD or SD (VR mode only)Move a scene in the playlist. This optionis available only from the playlist indexscreen.LDIVIDE J ([_ 66)Disc type:Disc quality: HDscenes in the playlist only.Disc quality: SD (VR mode only)original or playlist scenes.Divide a scene.46