105Before UseBasic GuideAdvanced GuideWi-Fi FunctionsCamera BasicsAuto Mode /Hybrid Auto ModeOther Shooting ModesP ModePlayback ModeSetting MenuAccessoriesAppendixIndexImage Sending OptionsYou can choose multiple images to send at once and change the imagerecording pixel setting (size) before sending. Some Web services alsoenable you to annotate the images you send.Sending Multiple ImagesOn the image transfer screen, specify a range of images to send, or sendonly images tagged as favorites.1 Choose [Select and send].● On the image transfer screen, press the[ ][ ] buttons to choose [Select andsend], and then press the [ ] button.2 Choose a selection method.● Press the [ ][ ] buttons to choose aselection method.Selecting a Range1 Choose [Select Range].● Following step 2 in “Sending MultipleImages” (= 105), choose [SelectRange] and press the [ ] button.4 Send an image.● Press the [ ][ ][ ][ ] buttons to choose[Select and send], and then press the [ ]button.● Press the [ ][ ] buttons to choose[Select], and then press the [ ] button.● Press the [ ][ ][ ][ ] buttons to choosean image to send, press the [ ] button tomark it as selected ([ ]), and then pressthe [ ] button.● Press the [ ][ ] buttons to choose [OK],and then press the [ ] button.● Press the [ ][ ][ ][ ] buttons to choose[Send], and then press the [ ] button.● [Transfer completed] is displayed afterthe image is sent, and the image transferscreen is displayed again.● To end the connection, press the[ ] button, press the [ ][ ] buttonson the confirmation screen to choose[OK], and then press the [ ] button.● Connections require that a memory card be in the camera.● Once you have connected to devices via the Wi-Fi menu, recentdestinations will be listed first when you access the Wi-Fi menu.You can easily connect again by pressing the [ ][ ] buttons tochoose the device and then pressing the [ ] button. To add anew device, display the device selection screen by pressing the[ ][ ] buttons, and then configure the setting.● If you prefer not to display recent target devices, choose MENU(= 25) ► [ ] tab ► [Wireless settings] ► [Wi-Fi Settings] ►[Target History] ► [Off].● You can also send multiple images at once and change the imagesize before sending (= 105).● You can send the current image by choosing [Send this image] onthe screen in step 4.