108Before UseBasic GuideAdvanced GuideWi-Fi FunctionsCamera BasicsAuto Mode /Hybrid Auto ModeOther Shooting ModesP ModePlayback ModeSetting MenuAccessoriesAppendixIndex2 Choose the type of images to send(only when sending movies withimages).● Press the [ ] button, choose[Wireless settings] on the [ ] tab, andthen choose [Wi-Fi Settings] (= 25).● Press the [ ][ ] buttons to choose[Image Sync], and then press the [ ][ ]buttons to choose [Stills/Movies].Preparing the ComputerInstall and configure the software on the destination computer.1 Install Image Transfer Utility.● Install Image Transfer Utility on acomputer connected to the Internet(= 94).● Image Transfer Utility can also bedownloaded from the Image Syncsettings page of CANON iMAGEGATEWAY (= 108).2 Register the camera.● Windows: In the taskbar, right-click [ ],and then click [Add new camera].● Mac OS: In the menu bar, click [ ], andthen click [Add new camera].● A list of cameras linked to CANONiMAGE GATEWAY is displayed. Choosethe camera from which images are to besent.● Once the camera is registered and thecomputer is ready to receive images, theicon changes to [ ].Sending Images Automatically(Image Sync)Images on the memory card that have not been transferred already canbe sent to a computer or Web services via CANON iMAGE GATEWAY.Note that images cannot be sent only to Web services.Initial PreparationsPreparing the CameraRegister [ ] as the destination. On the destination computer, you willinstall and configure Image Transfer Utility, free software compatible withImage Sync.1 Add [ ] as a destination.● Add [ ] as a destination, as described in“Registering CANON iMAGE GATEWAY”(= 100).● To include a Web service as thedestination, log in to CANON iMAGEGATEWAY (= 100), select your cameramodel, access the Web service settingsscreen, and choose the destinationWeb service in Image Sync settings.For details, refer to CANON iMAGEGATEWAY Help.