9-11Special FeaturesChapter 9Special FeaturesFollow this procedure to poll one or several fax machine(s):1 Open the one-touch speed dial panel.2 Press Polling.3 Use N or M to select POLLING RX.4 Press Set.5 Enter up to 125 fax numbers you want to pollusing any of the following methods:❏ One-touch speed dialling:Press the one-touch speed diallingbutton(s) you want.❏ Coded speed dialling:Press Coded Dial, then use the numericbuttons to enter the two-digit code youwant. Repeat for other codes.• Be sure to press Coded Dial beforeeach code.❏ Regular dialling:Use the numeric buttons to enter the faxnumber you want, then press Set.• You can only enter one fax numberthis way.Note• If you enter a wrong destination, press Clear, then enter the correct destination.• You cannot enter a subaddress/password with regular dialling. If you need to enter asubaddress/password for polling, register them together with the fax number for speeddialling (1 Chapter 6).• To review the destinations entered, use N or M to scroll through the numbers.6 Press Start/Copy to begin polling the faxmachine(s).POLLING TXPOLLING RXTEL=905 795 1111Ex:A01Ex:TEL=03 3758 2111Ex:TEL= 2 887 0166Ex: