13-12 Troubleshooting Chapter 13RECD IN MEMORY — The unit received the fax inmemory because paper ortoner ran out, or a paperjam occurred duringreception.Load paper in the multi-purpose tray(1 p. 2-16), replace the tonercartridge (1 p. 12-7), or clear thepaper jam (1 p. 13-3).SELECT POL REJCT #082 You attempted to poll a faxmachine with a subaddress,but the other party has notset a subaddress or their faxmachine does not supportpolling with a subaddress.Contact the other party to check theirsettings. If their fax machine does notsupport polling with a subaddress,delete the subaddress you haveregistered (1 pp. 6-3, 6-8, 9-10).SUBADD TX REJECT #080 You attempted to send adocument with asubaddress, but the otherparty’s fax machine doesnot support reception witha subaddress.Contact the other party to check theirsettings. If their fax machine does notsupport reception with a subaddress,delete the subaddress you haveregistered (1 pp. 6-3, 6-8).TX/RX CANCELLED — You pressed Stop to cancela transaction.—TX/RX NO. nnnn — The number shown (nnnn)is a unique identificationnumber assigned to thedocument you are sendingor receiving.This number appears in reports so youcan identify transactions. Write thenumber down if you will need it later.TX/RX NO. nnnnSCANNING P.nnnMEMORY FULL(Three messagestoggle.)— The unit is sending adocument and its memoryis full.The unit continues to send thedocument as memory becomesavailable.Messsage Error Code Cause Action