Glossary G-3HT1-2205-000-V.1.0 LSL User’s GuideGlossaryDDelayed sendingThe ability to send a document at a preset time in the future. You do nothave to be in your office to use delayed sending to one or moredestinations. (You can set up only one delayed transmission at a time onthe machine.)Dialing methodsWays of pressing one or more buttons to access a number to connect to anoutside party or fax machine. Dialing methods include One-Touch,Coded Speed Dialing, Group Dialing, and regular Dialing with thenumeric buttons.DocumentThe sheet of paper containing the data that you send to, or receive from amachine.dpiDots per inch. A unit of measurement for indicating a machine’sresolution. Your machine produces a resolution of 600 dpi.Dual access (Multitasking)Enables the machine to receive a fax, even if it is copying or printing adocument. Also enables you to scan other documents into memory, makecopies, print out reports, print documents or register information whilethe machine sends a document from memory.EECMError Correction Mode. The ability of your machine to reduce system andline errors when sending or receiving from another machine with ECMcapability. ECM is most effective in areas where the telephone lines are inpoor condition or there is frequent interference on the line. Do not useECM if you need to send a document quickly and you are sure the otherparty can read your transmission without it (turning off ECM also turnsoff MMR).ExtensionA telephone connected to the machine that is used in place of the handset.You can use the extension telephone to activate incoming reception ofdocuments Page 3 Friday, December 13, 2002 5:07 PM