38EMasteringthe BasicsPicture angleCamcorder movesClose-upInstead of zooming while recording, tryto choose your picture angle before youbegin. A good way to tell a story withvideo is to begin with a long shot thatestablishes the situation, and then movein with medium shots and close-ups toshow the details. Remember to changeyour viewpoint for each shot.Remember that any camcordermovement or change in picture angleshould have a definite purpose. Avoidunnecessary or half-heartedmovements.Use pans to record a landscape orfollow a moving subject. Decide thearea you want to cover and stand facingthe end of your panning angle. Withoutmoving your feet, turn your waist to thestarting position. Start recording, andafter a few seconds begin to turn slowlyfrom the waist. Hold the final image fora few seconds before you stoprecording.Tilt the camcorder up to exaggerate theheight of the subject. Tilt down fromthe top of a building, for example, as anintroduction to subjects at the bottom.Long shotMedium shotPanTilt