2-40MultiPASS C530/C560 Chapter 2: Technical Referenceb-2) Probing (Phase 2)The line characteristics are measured and modulation-related parameters, such as symbol rate, are set.• TransmitterAbbre-Signal viation Meaning RemarksINFO sequence INFO0cTone B BTone B BProbing signal L1L1Probing signal L2L2• ReceiverAbbre-Signal viation Meaning RemarksINFO sequence INFO0aTone A ATone A AINFO sequence INFO0hIndicate modem capabilities, suchas baud rate and frequencyt r a n s m i s s i o n f u n c t i o n ( t w ofrequency bands used to measureline characteristics), and requestadjustment.Modem synchronization with a1200-Hz tone signal.Tone signal for analyzing linecharacteristics by probing.Transmissionspeed: 600bpsThe phase of the B-signal is inverted180 degrees from thep h a s e o f t h e Bsignal.Probing:Measurement of linecharacteristics.Tone signal in therange 150 to 3750Hz in 150-Hz steps.Report the modem capabilities,such as baud rate and frequencytransmission ability.Modem synchronization with a2400-Hz tone signal.Report the pre-emphasis filter andbaud rate used for data transmis-s i o n b a s e d o n t h e r e s u l tof analysis of the probing signal.Transmissionspeed: 600bpsThe phase of the A-signal is inverted180 degrees from thep h a s e o f t h e Asignal.Transmissionspeed: 600bps