3-67MultiPASS C530/C560 Chapter 3: Maintenance & ServiceHeader : OK, NG messagesTX/RX NO : Indicates four digits of the transaction numberCONNECTION TEL : Number sent from the other party or number dialled(OTHER PARTY) (lower 20 digits)SUBADDRESS : Subaddress number sent from the other partyCONNECTION ID : ID sent from the other party, if the other party is a Canon faxSTART TIME : Communication start date time (on 24-hour display)USAGE TIME : Communication time (in minutes and seconds)PAGES : Number of pages for which transmission was complete(For details,see User’s manual)RESULT : “NG” display with number of pages for whichtransmission was fault, and service error codeMAKER CODE : Maker code (For details,see Chapter 4: 4. MAKER-CODE onpage 4-7)[1000 1000] Indicates a Canon faxlower nibbleupper nibbleRCV V.8 FRAME : Received V.8 protocol signalSYMBOL RATE : Symbol rate used for the primary channelDATA RATE : Transmission speed used for the primary channelTX LVL REDUCTION : 0 (Fixed)ERR ABCODE : Code output by the modem when an error occurred (Not used in the field)ERR SECTXB : Transmit status of the modem when an error occurred(Not used in the field)ERR SECRXB : Receive status of the modem when an error occurred(Not used in the field)RX/TX : Received/transmitted protocol signalbit 1 to bit 96 of received/transmitted DIS, DCS, or DTSThe V.8/V.34-related items (RCV V.8 FRAME to ERR SECRXB) are not printed on theNormal G3 Service Activity Report.Figure 3-33 Service Error Activity Report (receiving)NOTE