IVIV. TABLE OF CONTENTSPageChapter 1: General Description1 - 1 1. FEATURES1 - 1 1.1 Overview1 - 2 2. SPECIFICATIONS1 - 2 2.1 General Specification1 - 2 2.2 Communication Specification1 - 3 2.3 Color Communication Specification1 - 4 2.4 Scanner Specification1 - 6 2.5 Printer Specification1 - 9 2.6 Copy Specification1 -10 2.7 Function1 -12 3. OVERVIEW1 -12 3.1 External View1 -14 3.2 Operation Panel1 -19 3.3 Consumables1 -19 3.3.1 BJ cartridge and ink cartridge and BJ cartridge container1 -21 3.3.2 Print media1 -23 4. DIMENSIONS1 -24 5. SAFETY & PRECAUTIONS1 -24 5.1 Personnel Hazards1 -26 5.1.1 Electrical shock1 -26 5.1.2 High-temperature parts1 -27 5.1.3 Fire hazards1 -27 5.1.4 Moving parts1 -27 5.1.5 Preventing ink stains1 -28 5.2 General Cautions1 -28 5.2.1 Unit cautions1 -34 5.2.2 BJ cartridge cautions1 -45 5.2.3 Ink cartridge cautions1 -47 5.3 Servicing Cautions1 -47 5.3.1 Damage from static charge1 -47 5.3.2 Scanner unit1 -48 5.3.3 Print assembly1 -50 5.3.4 Paper feed section1 -50 5.3.5 Control boards1 -51 5.3.6 Detaching the outer covers1 -52 5.3.7 Attaching the operation panel sheet1 -53 5.4 Data-related precautions1 -54 5.4.1 Data in the image storage memory (DRAM)1 -55 5.4.2 Data in the control processing memory (SRAM)1 -56 5.4.3 Data in the EEPROM