7-9Chapter 7 Manual Feed of Paper/Envelopes/etc…Face-Up DeliveryFace-up delivery is mainly used when printing on special paper (transparencies,thick paper, etc.) or envelopes. The face-up delivery slot is designed to hold onlyone sheet or envelope at a time. However, by removing the document support forscanned documents from the unit, you can print a larger quantity of sheets orenvelopes and allow the printed media to come out of the slot.Please, be sure to use face-up delivery when manually feeding print media otherthan standard plain paper. With face-up delivery, paper travels straight throughthe unit without bending, and thus prevents curling of envelopes, transparencies,and other media. Refer to “Manually Feeding Paper/Envelopes/etc…” onpage 7-11 for further details.J Printed pages come out through the face-up delivery slot in reverse order.Since there is no limit in the number of pages that can be delivered when thedocument support for scanned documents is removed, this setting isconvenient when receiving or printing a large number of pages, when makingmany copies, or when you plan to be away from your office or home for along period of time.J When printing or receiving a large number of pages, remove the documentsupport for scanned documents and place the fax machine on the edge of atable. This will allow the printed pages to come out without blocking the face-up delivery slot.