3–131OPERATIONS AND TIMINGCOPYRIGHT © 1998 CANON INC. CANON NP6621 REV.0 FEB. 1998 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)4 Multifeeder Paper Width SensorAdjustmentIn this adjustment, you will be storing the char-acteristics of the multifeeder paper width sensorusing service mode No. 501.Perform the adjustment if you have replaced thesensor or if the machine wrongly identifies papersizes.1) Open the front door, and insert the door switchactuator into the door switch.2) Press the service mode switch (SW850) with ahex key.• The machine starts service mode and indi-cates ‘1’.3) Press ‘5’ on the numeric keypad.• The display indicates ‘5’.4) Press the AE key.• The machine starts machine settings modeand indicates ‘501’.5) Press the Start key.• The display indicates ‘A3’.6) Select the appropriate paper size (except CLR).(A press on the numeric keypad brings out a listshown in Table 3-802.)• If you select a size not stored, the display willstart to flash.• If you press the Start key when ‘CLR’ isindicated, all stored settings will be clearedand returned to default settings.7) Adjust the guide of the multifeeder to suit thesize you are setting.• Make sure you feel a click when positioningthe guide.8) Press the AE key.• When the setting has been stored, the displaystops flashing and remains ON.9) Press the Reset key.• The machine ends service mode.DisplayA3Ldrb4LGLA4rb5rA5rSrJPCCLrNumerickeypad1234567890RemarksA3LedgerB4LegalA4RB5RA5RStatement RJapanese governmen-tal postcard (100 wide)Clear(clears stored settings)Table 3-802Reference:1. If you are storing the size under No. 9 (JPC),adjust the guides so that they are closest.2. At time of shipment from the factory, A3,A4R and JPC (North America model: 11×17,LGL and Sr) are pre-stored, and the char-acteristic curves of these three sizes arecomputed and the results are used foridentification of paper sizes. If you enter asize other than these three in the field, themachine will compute a characteristic curvewith the addition of the data obtained fromthe new size. For this reason, it is best tostore the sizes of the papers the user tendsto use frequently.Download service manual and resetter printer at http://printer1.blogspot.com