5–32INSTALLATIONCOPYRIGHT © 1998 CANON INC. CANON NP6621 REV.0 FEB. 1998 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)12) After making sure that LED5 !8 (red) has comeon, set the bits on the DIP switch 2 !6 on theRDD’s PCB as indicated in the table, and pressthe push switch 4 !7 to make sure that LED5 !8(red) goes out, indicating that the RAM hasbeen reset.Table 5-803Fig. 5-81413) Shift bit 6 of the DIP switch 2 !9 on the RDD’sPCB to OFF.Fig. 5-815bits on SW2SW2-1SW2-2SW2-3SW2-4SW2-5SW2-6SW2-7SW2-8SettingOFFOFFOFFONOFFONSee step 9).OFF14) Connect the RDD to the telephone line.If you are connecting the RDD on its own,connect the modular jack cable to the RDD’sconnector @0 (LINE).If you will be using the RDD’s extra circuit,connect the existing telephone or fax machineto the RDD’s connector @1 (TEL), and connectthe telephone circuit to the RDD’s connector @0(LINE).Fig. 5-81615) Call up the service station, and request theRDD’s initial settings. (LED 4 @2 (red) starts toflash upon receipt.)Fig. 5-817LED1 LED2 LED321LED5LED6LED4 IC6SW1SW4SW361BAT1CN412CN3 CN21 2 3 4 5 6 7 8!9SW2LED1 LED2 LED321LED5LED6LED4 IC6SW1SW4SW361BAT1CN412CN3 CN2@1 @0SW2LED1 LED2 LED321LED5LED6LED4 IC6SW1SW4SW361BAT1CN412CN3 CN2@2 SW2LED1 LED2 LED321LED5LED6LED4 IC6SW1SW4SW361BAT1CN412CN3 CN21 2 3 4 5 6 7 8!6SW2!8!7Download service manual and resetter printer at http://printer1.blogspot.com