3–35OPERATIONS AND TIMINGCOPYRIGHT © 1998 CANON INC. CANON NP6621 REV.0 FEB. 1998 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)III. IMAGE FORMATIONSYSTEMA. OutlineThe machine’s image formation system con-sists of the following:• Controls the scanning lamp.• Controls the primary charging.• Controls the transfer charging.• Controls the separation static eliminator.• Controls the developing bias.• Controls the blank exposure lamp.Figure 3-301DC controllerPCBQ301MicroprocessorAE sensorScanning lampCopyboardLensBlank exposureunitPrimarychargingrollerComposite powersupplyScanning lampON control circuitMicroprocessorHigh-voltagecircuitT1T2T5StaticeliminatorDeveloping cylinderTransferrollerDownload service manual and resetter printer at http://printer1.blogspot.com