7 When the Easy Install screen appears,confirm the contents, then click Install.W Note• Move the cursor over items to displayexplanations of each application.• The list of applications may vary depending on thecountry or region of purchase.Users in Asia• Scan Soft OmniPage SE can be installed only onan English operating system.8 Read the License Agreement carefully andclick Yes.Installation of the MP Drivers, On-screen Manuals,and application software will begin.The software installation screen may appear duringthe installation process. Follow the on-screeninstructions to install the software._.~~-~"""'---'-'."'-""""""""'~-""~'_"'__._."'''''."... -._-_._-II Easy InstallO-""C).)o;lole 'll ...I >Crt,.., Ind OrH(r ..n M~-' On_ RO£JW'" II,.•...•_ _-_._--._-_ .,...__ ._-_._..•_•._.._ _----_._.1.w~WfS .~~"or..scwan~._ ..~~~··· ·· ······· ·· ·········_ _·I··~·········· · ·· - -...j.C~UNetvoof1(TOOI ~~~.t.PN!J¥t9*OrEX ••~laE...-v.PhOloPnI1lEx ••~ 'I$ '!r.i4li""'Portilf •. ,~ Adob&R(,8(lm) ...Ucenu Agreememe,:.(...... ,mI~It :;tA"",..,:;._"'-""~ .../<'\l ...,.("";;~~f.,~:'(·~F..: t.;-leoo'''t:.'fIr::lfl"''U,.I.~!~!lTl·:$OCU:M!t.:-~'~I~I,tUJ.'«,;ll''f::~«floo_".~.~ ... ........-~_) __ <:_w: ~~~'.IC'~· ..~.. «k-2~".. ~<".. ' ... ('t<.a·t..T...~~~~~:="'::k::::.;;:~:r'7=;;:;::;'l.5::;:~~t;~~;~f;;~~~:.r.:~·~;~~.!~~¥~~.~~.~~~ ~t~«"a:>~oOf"::"""'9'"~ "',.~;Y~~ t"'.... ,'f.c~·~ ,..,t\.--..,."~lV.~""""'lt..... (.K'I'~r.:9 Confirm the connection type.The next procedure varies depending on how youintend to connect the machine and the computer.Setting up for use over LAN.See "2-A Setting up for use over LAN" on page 7.Setting up an additionalLAN-connected computerSee "2-B Setting up an additional LAN-connected computer"on page 12.To use a USB connection, refer to your setup sheet.67 When the Easy Install screen appears,confirm the contents, then click Install.W Note• Move the cursor over items to displayexplanations of each application.• The list of applications may vary depending on thecountry or region of purchase.Users in Asia• Scan Soft OmniPage SE can be installed only onan English operating system.8 Read the License Agreement carefully andclick Yes.Installation of the MP Drivers, On-screen Manuals,and application software will begin.The software installation screen may appear duringthe installation process. Follow the on-screeninstructions to install the software._.~~-~"""'---'-'."'-""""""""'~-""~'_"'__._."'''''."... -._-_._-II Easy InstallO-""C).)o;lole 'll ...I >Crt,.., Ind OrH(r ..n M~-' On_ RO£JW'" II,.•...•_ _-_._--._-_ .,...__ ._-_._..•_•._.._ _----_._.1.w~WfS .~~"or..scwan~._ ..~~~··· ·· ······· ·· ·········_ _·I··~·········· · ·· - -...j.C~UNetvoof1(TOOI ~~~.t.PN!J¥t9*OrEX ••~laE...-v.PhOloPnI1lEx ••~ 'I$ '!r.i4li""'Portilf •. ,~ Adob&R(,8(lm) ...Ucenu Agreememe,:.(...... ,mI~It :;tA"",..,:;._"'-""~ .../<'\l ...,.("";;~~f.,~:'(·~F..: t.;-leoo'''t:.'fIr::lfl"''U,.I.~!~!lTl·:$OCU:M!t.:-~'~I~I,tUJ.'«,;ll''f::~«floo_".~.~ ... ........-~_) __ <:_w: ~~~'.IC'~· ..~.. «k-2~".. ~<".. ' ... ('t<.a·t..T...~~~~~:="'::k::::.;;:~:r'7=;;:;::;'l.5::;:~~t;~~;~f;;~~~:.r.:~·~;~~.!~~¥~~.~~.~~~ ~t~«"a:>~oOf"::"""'9'"~ "',.~;Y~~ t"'.... ,'f.c~·~ ,..,t\.--..,."~lV.~""""'lt..... (.K'I'~r.:9 Confirm the connection type.The next procedure varies depending on how youintend to connect the machine and the computer.Setting up for use over LAN.See "2-A Setting up for use over LAN" on page 7.Setting up an additionalLAN-connected computerSee "2-B Setting up an additional LAN-connected computer"on page 12.To use a USB connection, refer to your setup sheet.6