170 Memory Card ErrorM301 Memory card control module error [err]M302 Cannot remove invalid file [err]M303 Cannot process directory [err]M304 Failed to recreate managementinformation [err]M305 Error when writing a video file [err]M400 Failed to initialize a memory card [crit] ONVIF Error (RTP)R301 Distribution communication error [err]R302 Parameter acquisition failure [err]R303 Metadata distribution initializationfailure [err]R304 Abnormal termination of client [err]R304 Client disconnected [err]Description %1 process failure (M301)%1 mount or unmountMeaning Mount or unmount process failed.Description Invalid file (%1) can not remove.(M302)%1 Name of removed fileMeaning The invalid file could not be removed.Description Can not open directory(%1)(M303)%1 Directory nameMeaning Could not open directory to beprocessed.Description Fail updating managementfile(%1)(M304)%1 Management information identificationnumberMeaning Process to recreate managementinformation failed.Description write error %1 (%2) (M305)%1 Video file path%2 Reason for errorMeaning An error occurred when writing a videofile.Description Fail SD card initialization(%1).(M400)%1 Card initialization NG (det), powersupplies control NG (proc)Meaning Process to initialize a memory cardfailed.Description message queue open error. %1 (R301)%1 Modules that generate errorsRTP_CTRL_QUEUERTP_DATA_QUEUEVIDEO_CTRL_QUEUEVIDEO_DATA_QUEUEAUDIO_CTRL_QUEUEAUDIO_DATA_QUEUEEVENT_CTRL_QUEUERECVQ_METASENDQ_MEDIAMeaning A communication error occurredbetween modules.Countermeasure If the problem persists after repeatedattempts to output and rebooting, thecamera could be faulty. Contact aCanon’s sales/service representative.Description cannot get parameter: %1 (R302)%1 user_account: User accountIP_address: IP address of the cameraprofile_media_configuration:MediaConfiguration informationRTSP_port_number: RTSP port numberMeaning Parameter acquisition has failed.Description metadata initialization error (R303)Meaning Metadata distribution initialization hasfailed.Description delete session from some kind of error:client_IP=%1, session_ID=%2 (R304)%1 Client IP address%2 Session IDMeaning The client session terminatedabnormally.Description connection reset by peer:client_IP=%1 (R304)%1 Client IP addressMeaning Disconnected from client.