1-2This camera integrates both camera and server functions into a compact network camera. Optical Megapixel 20x Zoom Lens with AutoFocus and Pan/Tilt FunctionsThe camera is equipped with an optical megapixel 20xzoom lens (4x digital) with a maximum 55.4° horizontalangle of view in a compact body to ensure high-qualityvideo monitoring. An auto focus function and pan/tiltfunctions that move the camera up, down, left, and rightallow you to operate the camera and monitor conditionsremotely. Simultaneous Distribution of JPEG and H.264JPEG/H.264 video compression achieves high imagequality and a high frame rate of up to 30 frames persecond*1 in 1280x960 resolution. Up to 30 clients* 2 canview the same video simultaneously.*1 Note that the frame rate may drop depending onperformance of the PC running the viewer, the numberof clients connected at the same time, network load,and other factors.*2 In H.264 distribution, up to 10 clients can be connectedat once. Clear Video Capture in Low Illumination andDay/Night Automatic SwitchingThe camera can capture color images at a minimumsubject illumination of 0.4 lux (1/30 sec. with Smart ShadeControl off) or 0.03 lux (1/8 sec. with Smart Shade Controlon). In addition, the day/night automatic switchingfunction* ([Day/Night] (P. 4-11)) automatically switchesthe camera between color mode when sufficient light isavailable during daytime, and black & white mode in darkconditions at nighttime, in order to support videomonitoring in locations with varying levels of illumination.* Before enabling day/night automatic switching, checkoperations thoroughly. Intelligent Functions that Enable a WideRange of DetectionThe camera also boasts a wide array of intelligentfunctions, including moving object detection, abandonedobject detection, removed object detection, cameratampering detection and volume detection.Using detection results as a trigger, the system canautomatically upload the corresponding image to adesignated location via FTP/HTTP/STMP (e-mail) orprovide event notification. Privacy Mask FunctionThe camera is also equipped with a privacy mask functionthat hides part of an image. When the camera is panned,tilted, or zoomed, the privacy mask area responds to thecamera image. Smart Shade ControlWhen the background is bright and the subject is difficultto see, you can correct the contrast of dark areas to makethe subject clearer. Unlike backlight compensation, thisprevents blown out exposure of the background becausebright areas are not controlled. These processes areimplemented by dedicated hardware, which reducesimage degradation and can decrease system loadcompared to conventional shade control (P. 6-12). Image StabilizerThis function compensates for image blurriness causedby vibrations when the camera is installed on the ceilingor a pole (P. 4-11).* This function does not correct momentary vibration orsignificant vibrations exceeding a certain level. UsingImage Stabilizer decreases image quality and reducesthe viewing angle. SD/SDHC Memory Card SupportYou can save uploaded images, and logs to an SDmemory card when the network is down. Pre-Loaded VB-M40 Viewer and Admin ToolsVB-M40 Viewer and Admin Tools are loaded onto thecamera and can be operated via a web browser, so youdo not need to install any PC applications. You can setthree levels of user authority in the VB-M40 viewer;[Administrator], [Authorized Users] and [Guest Users].VB-M40 Features