4-168 [HTTP Upload Test]Clicking [Exec] initiates an upload test based on thesettings currently entered. It is not necessary to click[Apply].For a password, first click [Exec] to send a test e-mailnotification, then [Apply] the password.FTP Upload1 [Notification]The content of notification is set to [Image data uploadwith FTP].2 [FTP Server]Enter the host name or IP address of the FTP server(using up to 63 characters).3 [User Name], [Password]Enter the user name and password required forauthentication.4 [PASV Mode]Select [Enable] or [Disable] for the PASV mode whenuploading via FTP.5 [File Upload Path]Enter the path to the folder where the image file is to beuploaded to (using up to 255 characters).6 [File Naming]Set a desired file naming rule.[YYMMDDHHMMSSms]Images are uploaded according to the file nameformat of“{year}{month}{day}{hour}{minute}{second}{ms}.jpg.”(Example: 20080123112122000.jpg)[YYMMDD Directory/HHMMSSms]A subdirectory named “{year}{month}{day}” iscreated first, and then the image is uploaded usingthe file name “{hour}{minute}{second}{ms}.jpg.”(Example: 20080123/112122000.jpg)[Loop]Images are loaded with a file name numbered up tothe value set in [Maximum Number of Loops].(Example: 0000.jpg, 0001.jpg)[User Setting]Images are uploaded according to the file namingmethod specified in [Subdirectory Name to Create]and [File Name to Create].[Maximum Number of Loops]If [Loop] is set under [File Naming], enter themaximum number of loops in the range of 0 to 9999.[Subdirectory Name to Create], [File Name toCreate]If file naming is set to [User Setting], enter thesubdirectory name to be created as well as thename of the created file (using up to 127characters). Parameters can be specified in theentry with the “%” character (P. 7-4).7 [FTP Upload Test]Clicking [Exec] initiates an upload test based on thesettings currently entered. It is not necessary to click[Apply].For a password, first click [Exec] to send a test e-mailnotification, then [Apply] the password.ImportantEnter [Proxy Server], [Proxy Port], [Proxy User Name] and[Proxy Password] if connecting via a proxy.