87E Customization[HIGH-SPEED ZOOM] High-speed ZoomIn mode, makes the zoom operation at the constant zoom speeds 14 - 16 even faster (inmode the default is [ON] and cannot be changed).• When set to [ON], if you operate the zoom ring very quickly the zoom response may lag slightly.• At the fastest zoom speed settings the autofocus may not work correctly.Setting Options: 00 – OFF, 01 – ON.[FOCUS RING CTRL] Focus Ring ControlSelects the sensitivity of the response when operating the FOCUS ring.Setting Options: 00 – NORMAL, 01 – SLOW.[BUTTONS OPER.] Buttons OperationChanges the length of pressing various buttons to prevent their accidental operation. When you select [LONGPUSH], keep the button pressed for more than 1 second.[RINGS DIRECTION] Rings DirectionChanges the direction of the adjustment when turning the camcorder’s rings.Zoom ring: NORMAL – turn up for wide angle W, REVERSE – turn down for wide angle W.Focus ring: NORMAL – turn up to focus closer, REVERSE – turn down to focus closer.Iris ring: NORMAL – turn up to close, REVERSE – turn down to close.Setting Options MAGN. button WHITE BAL. button EXP. LOCK button PUSH AF button00 ONE PUSH ONE PUSH ONE PUSH ONE PUSH01 LONG PUSH02 ONE PUSH LONG PUSH03 LONG PUSH04 ONE PUSH ONE PUSH LONG PUSH05 LONG PUSH06 ONE PUSH LONG PUSH07 LONG PUSH08 ONE PUSH ONE PUSH ONE PUSH LONG PUSH09 LONG PUSH10 ONE PUSH LONG PUSH11 LONG PUSH12 ONE PUSH ONE PUSH LONG PUSH13 LONG PUSH14 ONE PUSH LONG PUSH15 LONG PUSHSetting Options Zoom ring Focus ring Iris ring00 NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL01 REVERSE02 NORMAL REVERSE03 REVERSE04 NORMAL NORMAL REVERSE05 REVERSE06 NORMAL REVERSE07 REVERSE02030405