Item Details Default SettingPrefix Length Enter the IP address prefix length. 0Default Router Ad-dressEnter the default router address. ::Prefix Length Enter the prefix length of the default router address. 0Primary DNS Server Address Specify the IP address of the primary DNS server. ::Secondary DNS Server Address Specify the IP address of the secondary DNS server. ::Use the same host name and do-main name as IPv4Activate when using the same DNS host and domainnames as for IPv4.OffDNS Host Name Specify the printer host name, up to 63 characters (1–63 characters). Use single-byte letters, numbers, and -(hyphens). Do not use numbers or - for the first charac-ter or - for the last character.NB-18GBip6xxxxxxDNS Domain Name Specify the printer domain name, up to 63 characters.Use single-byte letters, numbers, - (hyphens), and . (pe-riods). Do not use numbers, -, or . for the first charac-ter, or - or . for the last character.blankPerform dynamic updating ofstateful addressesActivate this setting to automatically register the state-ful address with the DNS server.OffDynamically update the statelessaddressActivate this setting to automatically register the state-less address with the DNS server.OffDynamically update the manualaddressActivate this setting to automatically register the man-ual address with the DNS server.Off7. Click OK to display the Network page.Note• If you are using a DNS server, select Enable DNS Dynamic Update and enter the IP Address for DNS serv-ers and DNS domain name in Primary DNS Server Address, Secondary DNS Server Address and DNSDomain Name, respectively.Network Setting > Initial Settings >iPF755 Configuring the Printer's TCP/IP Network Settings With RemoteUI10775