Cause Corrective ActionWhen Detect Mismatch in the Control Panel menuis set to Pause or Warning, the width of the loa-ded roll does not match the width specified in FitRoll Paper Width in the printer driver.Make sure the roll width selected in the dialog box displayedwhen you select Fit Roll Paper Width in the printer drivermatches the width of the roll loaded in the printer, and then tryprinting again.Paper size not detected.Cause Corrective ActionPaper has been loaded askew, or warped paper has beenloaded.Follow these steps to reload the roll.1. Push the Release Lever back.2. Adjust the right edge of the roll to make it parallel tothe orange Paper Alignment Line.3. Pull the Release Lever forward.4. If "Not finished printing. Finish printing remain-ing jobs?" is shown on the Display Screen, press theOK button.Printing will resume, starting from the page on whichthe error occurred.(See "Loading Rolls in the Printer.") →P.637If this error recurs after you reload the roll, remove theRoll Holder from the printer, push the roll firmly in untilit touches the Roll Holder flange, and reload the RollHolder in the printer.(See "Attaching the Roll Holder to Rolls.") →P.633Follow these step to reload a sheet.1. Push the Release Lever back.2. Load the sheet, aligning it with the guide on the right.3. Pull the Release Lever forward.4. If "Not finished printing. Finish printing remain-ing jobs?" is shown on the Display Screen, press theOK button.Printing will resume, starting from the page on whichthe error occurred.(See "Loading Sheets in the Printer.") →P.660Because the Platen is soiled with ink or other substances,the size of the clear film cannot be detected.Open the Top Cover and clean the entire Platen.(See "Cleaning Inside the Top Cover.") →P.824Error Message > Messages regarding paper >iPF755 Paper size not detected.13881