3 Make sure the Main sheet is displayed.4 In the A Media Type list, select the type of paper that is loaded. In this case, click Plain Paper.5 Select the printing application in the E Print Target list.6 Click the Page Setup tab to display the Page Setupsheet.7 Select and click a roll paper in the L Paper Source list.8 Select the width of the loaded roll in the M Roll Paper Width list—in this case, ISO A2/A3 Roll(420.0mm).9 In the A Page Size list, click the size of the original as specified in the application. In this case, click ISOA4.10 Select the C Enlarged/Reduced Printing check box.11 Select the D Fit Paper Size check box.12 Click ISO A3 in the G Paper Size list.13 Confirm the print settings and print as desired.Note• For tips on confirming print settings, see "Confirming Print Settings(Windows) →P.161 "iPF760 Resizing Originals to Match the Paper Size (Windows)User's GuideEnhanced Printing Options Printing enlargements or reductions63