Chapter 1414-1114.3.10 SSSW-SW3014.3.10.1 List of Functions 0011-3590iR2016J / iR2016 / iR2020 / / iR2016i / iR2020iT-14-1214.3.10.2 Detailed Discussions of Bit 5 0011-3592iR2016J / iR2016 / iR2020 / / iR2016i / iR2020iWhen "Detect with the new method" is selected, tone is detected for 3.5 seconds before call origination in order to discriminate between dial tone and voice. If dialtone is detected and the time since line seizure is 3.5 seconds or longer, call origination takes place immediately. If the time since line seizure is less than 3.5 seconds,call origination takes place after waiting for 1 second. (If the time since line seizure reaches 3.5 seconds during the 1-second waiting period, call origination takesplace immediately. By default, "Detect with a new method" is assigned for this SW.14.3.11 SSSW-SW3314.3.11.1 List of Functions 0011-1761iR2016J / iR2016 / iR2020 / / iR2016i / iR2020iT-14-1314.3.11.2 Detailed Discussions of Bit 0 0011-1762iR2016J / iR2016 / iR2020 / / iR2016i / iR2020iUse it to specify whether B4 paper (Print) should be counted as large-size paper.If 'yes' is selected, B4 paper will be counted as large-size paper.If 'no' is selected, on the other hand, B4 paper will be counted as small-size paper. Detailed Discussions of Bit 1 0011-1763iR2016J / iR2016 / iR2020 / / iR2016i / iR2020iUse it to specific whether to indicate the machine serial No. on the Counter Check screen, appearing when the Counter key is pressed.If 'yes' is selected, the serial No. will be indicated.If 'no' is selected, on the other hand, the serial No. will not be indicated. Detailed Discussions of Bit 2 0011-1764iR2016J / iR2016 / iR2020 / / iR2016i / iR2020iUse it to specify whether B4 paper (Scan) should be counted as large-size paper.If 'yes' is selected, B4 paper will be counted as large-size paper.If 'no' is selected, on the other hand, B4 paper will be counted as small-size paper. Detailed Discussions of Bit 3 0011-1765iR2016J / iR2016 / iR2020 / / iR2016i / iR2020iSelect whether to switch the counter display type in effect in Japan to the conventional or new type. Select "Yes" to display counters in the new type. Select "No"to display counters in the conventional type.14.3.12 SSSW-SW3414.3.12.1 List of Functions 0011-1766iR2016J / iR2016 / iR2020 / / iR2016i / iR2020iT-14-14Bit Function 1 00 Not used - -1 Not used - -2 Not used - -3 Not used - -4 Not used - -5 New dial tone detection method Detect with the newmethod.Detect with theexisting method.6 Not used - -7 Not used - -Bit Function 1 00 count B4 (Print) as large size Yes No1 indicate serial No. on counter check screen Yes No2 count B4 (Scan) as large size Yes No3 the counter display type change in Japan Yes No4 not used - -5 not used - -6 not used - -7 not used - -Bit Function 1 00 Display the waste toner fullwarningYES NO