Various Mail Box Functions2-42Introduction to the Mail Box FunctionsIMPORTANTNo more documents can be stored in inboxes if any of the following is true: (The numbers below mayvary depending on the remaining capacity of the hard disk.)- When 100 documents have been stored in the selected inbox.- When a total of 2,000 documents have been stored in all of the inboxes.- When a total of about 8,000 pages of documents have been stored in all of the inboxes.NOTEIt is recommended that you delete unnecessary documents or image data from your inbox to makespace for storing new documents.Scanned documents and documents sent from computersare stored in Inbox. The stored documents (data) can beprinted at anytime with your desired settings. For example,you can merge the scanned documents and the documentssent from computer, then print and staple them together.They can also be sent to computers or by Fax at anytimeusing the desired settings.Inbox Selection ScreenThe screen on the left, which appears when you select , iscalled the Inbox Selection screen.Inbox numbers, names, and available memory are displayedfor each inbox. In addition, an icon appears on the key ofeach inbox to indicate its the icon for an empty the icon for an inbox with the icon for an inbox that is set with a password.Document Selection ScreenThe screen on the left, which appears after you select thedesired inbox, is called the Document Selection screen.If a password is set, the Document Selection screen appearsafter you enter the password.The screen that appears varies, depending on the type ofinbox selected.Each document is displayed with an icon next to if whichindicates its type.Document scanned and saved from the Scan screen.Document sent from a computer.➞ See p. 2-17Press to select all of the documents in an inbox. If a document is selected, this key changes to [ClearSelection].