3-9 Speed Dialing3You can print lists of fax/telephone numbers registered for speed dialing. Keep these lists near your machine soyou can refer to them when dialing.Printing Speed Dialing ListsSamples of the lists are shown as follows. 1-TOUCH LIST************************************** ***1-TOUCH SPD DIAL LIST12/03/2003 17:02 FAX 123 4567 CANON 001NO. CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID[ 01] 905 795 1111 Canon CANADA[ 03] GROUP DIAL Canon EUROPA[ 04] 2 50921 Canon ITALIA[ 06] 1 432 2060 Canon OPTICS[ 12] 2 887 0166 Canon AUSTRALIA************************************************************************* ***1-TOUCH SPD DIAL LIST*********************************************************************************************** ***ONE-TOUCH SPEED DIAL TEL # LIST 1NO. DESTINATION TEL # DESTINATION ID TX TYPE[ 12] 2 887 0166 Canon AUSTRALIA REGULAR TX[ 01] 905 795 1111 Canon CANADA REGULAR TX[ 03] GROUP DIAL Canon GROUP 2[ 04] 2 50921 Canon ITALIA REGULAR TX[ 06] 1 432 2060 Canon OPTICS REGULAR TX12/03/2003 17:03 FAX 123 4567 CANON 001SORTED LIST: DESTINATIONS LISTED INALPHABETICAL ORDER.UNSORTED LIST: DESTINATIONS LISTEDIN KEY ORDER.Speed Dialing Lists1 Press Additional Functions.2 Use 4 (–) or e (+) to select 7.PRINTLISTS.3 Press Set.4 Use 4 (–) or e (+) to select 2.SPEEDDIAL LIST.5 Press Set.6 Use 4 (–) or e (+) to select the list youwant to print.Ex:• You can select from the following:- 1-TOUCH LIST- CODED DIAL LIST- 1-TOUCH (DETAIL)- CODED (DETAIL)- GROUP DIAL LIST7 Press Set.• If you selected 1-TOUCH LIST, or 1-TOUCH(DETAIL), CODED DIAL LIST or CODED(DETAIL) above, select SORT or NO SORTdepending on what order you want the destinationsto be printed:Select 1.NO SORT to print the list in key numberorder.-or-Select 2.SORT to print the list with the names ofthe destinations in alphabetical order.8 Press Set.• The machine prints the list and returns to standbymode.• You can also print the list using Report.Press Fax, then press Function (theFunction key lights up). Press Report,and select a report you want, then pressSet. This procedure must be performed inFax Mode.NOTE1-TOUCH LIST1.NO SORTSPEED DIAL LIST2.CODED DIAL LISTSPEED DIAL LIST1.1-TOUCH LISTPRINT LISTS2.SPEED DIAL LISTPRINT LISTS1.USER DATAADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS7.PRINT LISTS